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Matchmakers Speed Dating specializes in bringing quality Christian singles together, so you can stop dreading date night and start getting excited again. If your ready to find your match, then Matchmakers Speed Dating events are a good place to start.

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At Matchmakers Christian Speed Dating, our goal is to bring relationship-oriented Christians and like-minded individuals together to meet locally in a safe, friendly environment. Each Matchmakers Speed Dating event brings together up to 30 attendees that will go on a 4-minute mini date with 2 minutes to each to talk and tell the other about themselves after which attendees on one side of the seating arrangement will stay seated while the other side rotates when told the 4 minutes is up. During the switch there will be 60 seconds alocted to each person to write down whether or not they are looking to get to know their date better and receive each others info if its a match!

On our "ready to match" sheet provided upon arrival will contain the names of your dates. When you meet someone you like, simply put a check next to their name. If they return their sheet with your name checked off "its a match" Once a match is made both parties will be CC'd on an introductory email by our local Matchmakers Host and then it's up to you to take it from there!

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Book your stay now! We deliver a much richer experience when JavaScript is enabled. Please consider enabling JavaScript in your browser to take full advantage of our hand-crafted interface. We're generating custom event recommendations for you based on Christian Matchmakers Speed Sign up Sign in. Where do you want to go? Recent Locations. Performers: No Performers Listed. Links: Event details at eventbrite. However, attacks and potential injuries can usually be avoided by giving wild turkeys a respectful amount of space and keeping outdoor spaces clean and undisturbed.

Male toms occasionally will attack parked cars and reflective surfaces, thinking they see another turkey and must defend their territory, but starting a car engine and moving the car is typically enough to scare it away. It formerly ranged north to southeastern South Dakota , southern Wisconsin , southern Ontario , and southwestern Maine. It became extinct about 10, years ago. The present Californian wild turkey population derives from wild birds re-introduced during the s and 70s from other areas by game officials.

At the beginning of the 20th century the range and numbers of wild turkeys had plummeted due to hunting and loss of habitat. Europeans and their successors knew nothing about the life cycle of the bird and ecology itself as a science would come too late, not even in its infancy until the end of the 19th century whereas heavy hunting began in the 17th century. Deforestation destroyed trees turkeys need to roost in. Destruction of subtypes of environment like prairie grassland in the Midwest, canebrakes in the Southeast, and pine in the desert highlands made them easy prey for predators as there was nowhere to hide or lay eggs.


Game managers estimate that the entire population of wild turkeys in the United States was as low as 30, by the late s. Early attempts used hand reared birds, a practice that failed miserably as the birds were unable to survive in the wild at all and many had imprinted far too much on people to effectively survive.

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Game officials later made efforts to protect and encourage the breeding of the surviving wild population. They would wait for numbers to grow, catch the surplus birds with a device that would have a projectile net that would ensnare the creature, move it to another unoccupied territory, and repeat the cycle. Over time this included some in the western states where it was not native. There is evidence that the bird does well when near farmland, which provides grain and also berry-bearing shrubs at its edges.

In , the total U. Since the s, "trap and transfer" projects have reintroduced wild turkeys to several provinces of Canada as well, sometimes from across the border in the United States. They appear to be very successful as of as wild turkeys have multiplied rapidly and flourished in places where they were not expected to survive by Canadian scientists, often quite far north of their original expected range.

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Attempts to introduce the wild turkey to Britain as a game bird in the 18th century were not successful. They were hunted with dogs and then shot out of trees where they took refuge. Several other populations, introduced or escaped, have survived for periods elsewhere in Britain and Ireland , but seem to have died out, perhaps from a combination of lack of winter feed and poaching.

There are subtle differences in the coloration, habitat, and behavior of the different subspecies of wild turkeys. The six subspecies are:. This was the turkey subspecies Europeans first encountered in the wild: by the Puritans , the founders of Jamestown , the Dutch who lived in New York, and by the Acadians. Its range is one of the largest of all subspecies, covering the entire eastern half of the United States from Maine in the north to northern Florida and extending as far west as Minnesota , Illinois , and into Missouri.

They number from 5. The upper tail coverts are tipped with chestnut brown. The eastern wild turkey is heavily hunted in the Eastern USA and is the most hunted wild turkey subspecies. Most common in the Florida peninsula, they number from 80, to , birds.

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This bird is named for the famous Seminole leader Osceola , and was first described in It is smaller and darker than the eastern wild turkey. The wing feathers are very dark with smaller amounts of the white barring seen on other subspecies. Their overall body feathers are an iridescent green-purple color. They are often found in scrub patches of palmetto and occasionally near swamps, where amphibian prey is abundant. The Rio Grande wild turkey ranges through Texas to Oklahoma , Kansas , New Mexico , Colorado , Oregon , Utah , and was introduced to central and western California , as well as parts of a few northeastern states.

Wild turkey

Population estimates for this subspecies are around 1,, Its body feathers often have a green-coppery sheen. The tips of the tail and lower back feathers are a buff-to-very light tan color. Its habitats are brush areas next to streams, rivers or mesquite , pine and scrub oak forests. The Rio Grande turkey is gregarious. The Merriam's wild turkey ranges through the Rocky Mountains and the neighboring prairies of Wyoming , Montana and South Dakota , as well as much of the high mesa country of New Mexico , Arizona , southern Utah and The Navajo Nation , with number from , to , birds.

The initial releases of Merriam's turkeys in resulted in establishing a remnant population of Merriam's turkeys along the east-slope of Mt. Hood and natural immigration of turkeys from Idaho has established Merriam's flocks along the eastern border of Oregon. The subspecies was named in in honor of Clinton Hart Merriam , the first chief of the U. Biological Survey. The tail and lower back feathers have white tips and purple and bronze reflections.

Native from the central valleys to the northern mountains of Mexico and the southernmost parts of Arizona and New Mexico. Gould's wild turkeys are heavily protected and regulated. The subspecies was first described in They exist in small numbers in the U. A small population has been established in southern Arizona.

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Gould's are the largest of the six subspecies. They have longer legs, larger feet, and longer tail feathers. The main colors of the body feathers are copper and greenish-gold. This subspecies is heavily protected owing to its skittish nature and threatened status. The south Mexican wild turkey is considered the nominate subspecies , and the only one that is not found in the United States or Canada.

In central Mexico, archaeological M. It is unclear whether these early specimens represent wild or domestic individuals, but domestic turkeys were likely established in central Mexico by the first half of the Classic Period c. AD — The south Mexican wild subspecies, M. By it was common enough so that Pilgrim settlers of Massachusetts could bring turkeys with them from England , unaware that it had a larger close relative already occupying the forests of Massachusetts. It is one of the smallest subspecies and is best known in Spanish from its Aztec-derived name, guajolote.

This wild turkey subspecies is thought to be critically endangered, as of The idea that Benjamin Franklin preferred the turkey as the national bird of the United States comes from a letter he wrote to his daughter Sarah Bache on January 26, Others object to the Bald Eagle, as looking too much like a Dindon, or Turkey. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly.

You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk [ osprey ]; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him. Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District.

He is therefore by no means a proper Emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America who have driven all the King birds from our Country I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. Franklin never publicly voiced opposition to the bald eagle as a national symbol, nor did he ever publicly suggest the turkey as a national symbol. The wild turkey, throughout its range, plays a significant role in the cultures of many Native American tribes all over North America.

Outside of the Thanksgiving feast, it is a favorite meal in eastern tribes. Eastern Native American tribes consumed both the eggs and meat, sometimes turning the latter into a type of jerky to preserve it and make it last through cold weather. They provided habitat by burning down portions of forests to create meadows which would attract mating birds, and thus give a clear shot to hunters. The feathers of turkeys also often made their way into the rituals and headgear of many tribes.

Many leaders, such as Catawba chiefs, traditionally wore turkey feather headdresses. Significant peoples of several tribes, including Muscogee Creek and Wampanoag , wore turkey feather cloaks. It is one of the Navajos' sacred birds, with the Navajo people using the feathers and parts in multiple traditional ceremonies.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Wild Turkey disambiguation. Species of turkey native to North America. Conservation status.

Linnaeus , Smith The Turkey: An American Story. Retrieved on The New York Times. Retrieved Systematic and Applied Microbiology. Animal Behaviour. Dunning Jr. Princeton University Press. CRC Press. Michael Wild turkey: Meleagris gallopavo , GlobalTwitcher. Metro USA. Retrieved 18 January Bibcode : Natur. Journal of Wildlife Management. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium. Fish and Wildl.
