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The following chart shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Chula Vista, CA compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. In , the median age of all people in Chula Vista, CA was Native-born citizens, with a median age of 26, were generally younger than than foreign-born citizens, with a median age of But people in Chula Vista, CA are getting getting younger. In , the average age of all Chula Vista, CA residents was In , the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of California was Mexico, the natal country of 4,, California residents, followed by Philippines with , and China with , The following chart shows US citizenship percentages in Chula Vista, CA compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.

Males in California have an average income that is 1. The income inequality in California measured using the Gini index is 0. The economy of Chula Vista, CA employs k people. The following chart shows how the median household income in Chula Vista, CA compares to that of its neighboring and parent geographies.

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This chart shows the gender-based wage disparity in the 5 most common occupations in California by number of full-time employees. These workers were paid 1. This chart shows the race- and ethnicity-based wage disparities in the 5 most common occupations in California by number of full-time employees. In , the income inequality in California was 0.

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Income inequality had a 0. In other words, wages are distributed less evenly in California in comparison to the national average. This chart shows the number of workers in California across various wage buckets compared to the national average. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Females 45 - The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who classifies as impoverished.

If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold than that family and every individual in it is considered to be living in poverty. From to , employment in Chula Vista, CA grew at a rate of 6. This chart illustrates the share breakdown of the primary jobs held by residents of Chula Vista, CA.

This chart shows the share breakdown of the primary industries for residents of Chula Vista, CA, though some of these residents may live in Chula Vista, CA and work somewhere else. Census data is tagged to a residential address, not a work address.

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The following chart shows the share of these products in relation to all outbound California products. This is expected to increase The following chart shows how the domestic outbound California trade is projected to change in comparison to its neighboring states. The following map shows the amount of trade that California shares with each state excluding itself.

In , universities in Chula Vista, CA awarded 3, degrees. The student population of Chula Vista, CA is skewed towards women, with 9, male students and 11, female students. This visualization illustrates the percentage of students graduating with a Associates Degree from schools in Chula Vista, CA according to their major. In , the Chula Vista, CA institution with the largest number of graduating students was Southwestern College with 2, degrees awarded.

In , 1, men were awarded degrees from institutions in Chula Vista, CA, which is 0. This chart displays the gender disparity between the institutions in Chula Vista, CA by degrees awarded. These 2, degrees mean that there were 4. The homeownership rate in Chula Vista, CA is People in Chula Vista, CA have an average commute time of Car ownership in Chula Vista, CA is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.

The following charts display, first, the property values in Chula Vista, CA compared to it's parent and neighbor geographies and, second, owner-occupied housing units distributed between a series of property value buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket.

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In , the median household income of the The following chart displays the households in Chula Vista, CA distributed between a series of income buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. This chart shows the households in Chula Vista, CA distributed between a series of property tax buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket.

In , This percentage grew from the previous year's rate of This percentage of owner-occupation is lower than the national average of This chart shows the ownership percentage in Chula Vista, CA compared it's parent and neighboring geographies. Using averages, employees in Chula Vista, CA have a longer commute time Additionally, 3. The chart below shows how the median household income in Chula Vista, CA compares to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. The following chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time, using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help better show variations in the smaller means of commuting.

The following chart displays the households in Chula Vista, CA distributed between a series of car ownership buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The largest share of households in Chula Vista, CA have 2 cars, followed by 3 cars.

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  5. This is a 4. Primary care physicians in San Diego County, CA see patients per year on average, which represents a 0. Compare this to dentists who see patients per year, and mental health providers who see patients per year.

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    Comparing across all counties in the state, Tehama County has the highest prevalence of diabetes Additionally, Tulare County has the highest prevalence of adult obesity This represents a 0. The following chart shows how the number of patients seen by primary care physicians has been changing over time in San Diego County, CA in comparison to its neighboring geographies. In , West Virginia had the highest prevalence of adults with major depressive episode, with 8.

    The second highest is Arkansas 8. The following map shows the percent of individuals with major depressive episode by state over multiple years. In , California had the highest estimated number of chronically homeless individuals in the nation, at 35, New York has the second highest 5, , followed by Florida 4, The following map shows the estimated number of chronically homeless individuals by state over multiple years.

    In , Mississippi had the highest prevalence of adults who haven't seen a doctor in the past 12 months due to cost, at It is followed by Texas The following map shows the prevalence of adults who haven't seen a doctor in the past 12 months due to cost by state over multiple years. Between and , all personal health care spending per capita in California including private, Medicare, and Medicaid grew 4.

    The following chart shows how this spending changed over time in comparison to Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance spending, per enrollee. The following chart shows how the percent of uninsured individuals in Chula Vista, CA changed over time compared with the percent of individuals enrolled in various types of health insurance. Tehama County has the highest prevalence of diabetes in California, at Add Comparison. This site uses cookies. Read our policy. Altius has transported two pieces of oversized cargo from Antwerp in Belgium to Mantos Blancos, Chile.

    Altius has completed a series of project cargo deliveries to three continents during the turbulent Covid pandemic. Schryver Del Ecuador has handled a shipment of eight heat exchangers for a petroleum plant expansion project in the Ecuadorian jungle. Roll-Lift USA has transported six motors, weighing tons ALE removed the rotors of three generators at an aluminium smelting facility in Puerto Madryn, Argentina as part of a scheduled maintenance programme.

    Mercomar, part of the Robinson Group, has transported a turbine, generator and steam condenser, plus accessories, for a combined-cycle power plant in San Lorenzo, Argentina.

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    Chipolbrok has loaded and delivered sailing boats, catamarans and luxury motor yachts using its multipurpose vessel Kraszewski.
